APRIL is Caesarean Awareness Month: I'm sharing my story.

APRIL is Caesarean Awareness Month: I'm sharing my story.

April is Caesarean Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about the increasing rates of caesareans around the world. While caesarean can be life-saving for both mother and baby, they are major surgeries with potential risks and long recovery times.

According to Australian Institute of Health and Welfare; In 2020, 37% of all women giving birth in Australia had a caesarean section (AIHW 2022).

In 2021, I gave birth via emergency c-section after an traumatic 16 hour labour. 


What is a Caesarean Birth?

A caesarean birth is a major surgical operation in which a baby is delivered through a cut in the front wall of the abdomen and womb. This procedure is often used when a vaginal birth carries a higher risk of complications for the baby and/or the mother, but they can also be elective. 

My Birth.

I started my birth with an induction at 8:00am on Friday. Within 1 hour, I was bend over the bed in so much pain, I couldn't walk. However, after doing a check I was only 2cm dilated. Not in "active labour" as the midwifes told me. Hours went on, I had Gas (lots of it),  two rounds of morphine, and after 14 or so hours of pain I opted for the Epidural. I was checked again during this time and I had only reached 3cm dilated. My heart sank. Knowing I needed to get to 10cm to give birth. My first thought, was I can't keep going on like this. 

After my Epidural and close monitoring of bub, bubs heartrate was getting high and it wasn't coming down. It was in this moment that I was signing a consent form and getting wheeled to surgery for an emergency c-section. 


I honestly don't remember much from this time. While laying on the table I do remember being wrapped like a bubble because I was shaking so much. I was laying on the table with the curtain up like Jesus on a cross, my arms straight out. All I could feel was a lot of pulling and pressure while I delivered my baby. I do remember throwing up while laying there, and because I was not in a good position for vomiting- I pretty much vomited on myself. But, honestly during this time I don't even remembered how or who cleaned it up but it was gone. 

This birth was also a surprise gender, so this was the moment that we were told that we were having a GIRL. 

It's important for expectant parents to be informed about their options for childbirth and to have access to supportive and evidence-based care. This includes options for vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) and access to midwifery care.

I went into labour saying 'what happens happens' because I didn't want to be disappointing, knowing that anything can happen. 20 months on from my emergency c-section and pregnant with my second due in May. The trauma from what I experienced in my "natural birth" still hits me. In the end I was so happy and blessed to have had a c-section. 

VBAC vs Elective C-section. 

I am due with my second in a month and I have opted for an elective c-section instead of a VAC, because for me personally there is so much trauma from my previous experience when I even think about "natural birth". 

Yes, my recovery after my emergency was hard. But I got through it and I know I will get through this again.  

Cesarean Awareness Month is an opportunity to start important conversations about childbirth and to advocate for safe and respectful care for all birthing people. Let's work together to ensure that all families have the information and resources they need to make informed decisions about their childbirth experiences.



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